Camel Mascot for Exodus 90

Exodus 90 is a Catholic ministry for men. Their goal is to challenge men of all ages and backgrounds with a 90-day period of fasting and discipline, focusing on three areas: prayer, asceticism (self-denial), and fraternity (brotherhood). They asked me to help them design an appealing mascot that they could use in some of their materials. […]

Elf Concept Sketches

Toy company Strottman International was working on a line of characters inspired by Christmas elves. Early in the process they hired me to work up some rough designs inspiration. It was really fun to just noodle around and explore. I submitted over twenty sketches. The project evolved and gears were shifted, as often happens in […]

S’Mores Print-On-Demand

I’ve been dipping my toe into the “print on demand” space. I’ve uploaded a few designs and have seen some success with some cartoon facemasks over on Redbubble. So, I thought I’d see what else I could come up with. Here’s a summer campfire illustration I doodled up and converted into a couple of different designs. […]

Style Exploration for Disney Figurines

A toy licensing company asked me to help them explore ideas for a line of Disney figurines. They wanted the characters to be recognizable but at the same time stylistically unique, almost as if the characters all belonged in the same world. It sounded like a fun challenge. I started by noodling around just to […]