More Pixar: Spline Doctors, “Presto”

Following up on my last post, here’s two more inspiring links related to Pixar:

The first is a Presto, the new animated short that is shown before Wall•E in the theaters and will no doubt be included on the DVD. It’s a zany little film animated in a style inspired by the classic Warner Brothers shorts. It’s much broader and zippier than Pixar’s usual offerings. You can now download it from iTunes for only $1.99.

The second is a terrific blog-slash-podcast from Pixar. The blog, Spline Doctors (link), is labor of love from several of the artists and animators at Pixar. The posts are full of great insights on animation.  SplineCast is an accompanying podcast featuring interviews and roundtable discussions with creative folks at Pixar. There haven’t been any new episodes in a while so I don’t know if SplineCast has run its course or not, but there are several great episodes you can listen to for free either on the blog (link) or through iTunes (link). Fun stuff to have on in the background while you toil away at your drawing board.