New RSS feed


During the switch to my new blog it looks like I posted my new RSS feed incorrectly. Which means some of you RSS folks weren’t able to get the new feed. My bad. Hopefully I haven’t lost too many subscribers.

Also, one of the reasons I switched to WordPress was so that I could track RSS subscriptions and get a better idea of how many people actually read my humble thoughts and ramblings. Unfortunately, I just discovered that WordPress recently decided to scrap their RSS tracking.

To fix both problems, I’m now using something called FeedBurner. But that means changing my RSS feed….again.

I hate to do this, but if you read my blog through RSS I’m asking you to please change your feed one more time. Click here for the new feed, and then just delete the old one from your RSS reader. You can also subscribe by clicking on the blue button on the right side of my blog.

I think I’ve got it set up correctly. If you have any problems, please leave a comment and let me know.

For those of you who don’t use RSS, you can now subscribe to my blog via e-mail. Each time I post new content, it will automatically be e-mailed to you. Click here to subscribe.

Thanks again to all of you who read my blog regularly. It’s humbling to know so many people take time out of their busy days to read this little old blog.