If you look off to the right, you’ll see lots of art blogs listed. I just added about a dozen more. It’s a pretty long list, but they are all super-talented artists. I try not to link to a blog just because it comes from my grandma’s third-cousin’s nephew. I post links because the artwork is excellent and/or inspires me in one way or another.
Below that I’ve listed some other artists who inspire me but (unfortunately) don’t have blogs.
Then below that is a new section, “Misc. Blogs”. These have nothing to do with art, but nevertheless make me think or make me laugh. As if you needed more time wasters….
Doug TenNapel – A prolific comic-book artist, writer, animator, director, and producer. His posts are often witty and thought-provoking.
Ken Levine – Emmy winning writer/director/producer/major league baseball announcer. He has worked on MASH, CHEERS, FRASIER, THE SIMPSONS, WINGS, and EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND.
Capn’ Wacky – Lots of silly humor. Their “Lists” section is hilarious (for example, Upcoming Air Travel Passenger Regulations.)
Albert Mohler – Christian radio host and commentator. Time.com called him the “reigning intellectual of the evangelical movement in the U.S”.
Pulpit Magazine – A website about “key ministry issues and contemporary evangelical happenings”.
Savage Chickens – A addicting little comic strip about, well, chickens.
Purgatorio – A wacky look at American Christian subculture. Particularly funny are the “You Supply the Caption” contests.
[EDIT]: I’ve also added a few more lniks to the “Podcasts” section. Great stuff to listen to while drawing.