sketchbooksilliness Tag

In between client projects I draw silly cartoons. I post them as a webcomic called Sketchbook Silliness. Click on over and browse the archive. If you support my cartoons on Patreon you can see an earlier version of this illustration with a different twist on this gag. You'll also get lots of other goodies like early access, rough sketches, links, downloads, drawing...

In between client projects I do a webcomic called Sketchbook Silliness. My most recent cartoon ("Mohawk") was posted on various social media yesterday. I was floored to see that it is zoomed up the charts on both Imgur and Reddit, reaching "Most Viral" on Imgur. After about 24 hours the cartoon finally leveled off at over 93,000 views/1,600 likes...

[youtube_sc url="" title="Thoughts%20On%20Making%20Gag%20Cartoons%20(Part%201)" fs="1"] Another artist wrote to ask me for some tips on writing gags. While I feel like I still have a lot of room for growth in that area, that didn’t stop me from making a video with a few thoughts. This is Part 1, where I share general thoughts about the importance of good writing. In Part 2...