Being A Dream Client

As a freelance character designer I’ve worked with a lot of clients over the years: big ones, small ones, established companies and young startups. Most have been terrific and I’ve been fortunate to work with a lot of really great people. Still, despite the best of intentions not every project runs as smoothly as it […]

Nobody Knows Anything, or How To Make The Next Big Internet Hit

Hollywood screenwriter William Goldman famously wrote that “in Hollywood, nobody knows anything”. What he meant was that nobody really understands how to make a successful film. Despite all the money and effort poured into every movie, it’s a total mystery why some films rake in mega bucks and others flop big time. If there was […]

Resources For Art Directors

To any art directors and creative directors who read my blog, this post is just for you. It’s a list of resources I found online geared towards art directors. I’m not an AD myself so I’m not too familiar with most of them, but at first glance they seem like they would be helpful:   […]

Marketing Mentor

Marketing Mentor is an excellent website and blog for freelancers run by Ilise Benun, a consultant who specializes in helping creative professionals do a better job of marketing themselves. Her blog posts are short, direct, and very helpful. For a sample, check out her recent posts “What does it take to be your own boss?” […]

Review: Stephen Silver’s “Life”

Yesterday I received my copy of Stephen Silver’s latest art book, Life. For those who don’t know, Silver is an amazing animation character designer whose credits include Disney’s Kim Possible and Nickelodeon’s Danny Phantom. He’s a versatile artist and I find his work very inspiring. Silver also teaches an online Character Design course through […]

Any “Sketchbook Pro” Users Out There?

I’m slowly working on a post (or series of posts) about digital inking. In my research and in talking to other artists I’ve been hearing a lot of great things about a drawing program called Sketchbook Pro. Apparently it’s super fantastically awesome, rivaling Photoshop and Painter at a significantly lower price. When it comes to […]