Toby Dugan

Earlier this week my wife and I hosted a couple for dinner, illustrator Toby Dugan and his wife Vonnie. Toby is a retired artist, evangelist, and magician and one of my wife’s long-time family friends. He was kind enough to bring his portfolio to my studio which was a real treat! For much of his […]

A Quick Doodle

Took a break during an all-nighter to do this doodle. I liked how it turned out so I colored it. I may look at it in the sober light of day and decide it’s not that great, but at the moment I like it. Don’t ask me what that sheet of paper is he’s holding, […]

The Stuff On My Studio Walls

Recently I posted a look at my new studio. My friend and fellow artist Tom Bancroft asked me to elaborate on some of the art hanging on the walls and the stories behind them. Since I always do everything Tom tells me to, here we go…

My New Studio

I’ve spent most of this week painting, packing, and moving into my new studio. With the recent birth of our second child my wife and I decided it would be best to swap a couple of rooms in our house. My old studio is now our master bedroom and our old bedroom is now my […]

Indiana Jones and the Office Party

(Indiana Jones is copyright © Paramount Pictures. All rights reserved.) I stopped doing “realistic” illustration a few years ago and focus primarily on illustrating in a very cartoony style. I enjoy it more, it’s what I’m best at, and it’s much faster which means I can usually earn more per hour. I still do life […]

This and That

Happy New Year everyone! Here’s a few misc. items of interest I’ve stumbled upon recently. If you follow me on Twitter you’ve likely seen them all already, but since many of you don’t here they are: 8 Ways Twitter can help grow your freelance business. I used to dismiss Twitter as a massive waste of […]