Just for Fun

There's a "tag-your it" game going around the internet. The challenge is to list five of your weirdest habits. I haven't been officially tagged by anyone, but I wanna play anyway. Here's my five (as if you needed any more proof that I'm not normal): 1. I like to eat my cereal dry, with no milk. Soggy cereal = yuck. 2. When...

Being a freelancer is great, but its also very isolating. Thankfully there's the internet, which allows me to make connections with other artists, share comments and ideas, and get feedback on my work without ever leaving my studio. Over time I've found a few good websites that are designed to give artists a sense of creative community. Many "assign" projects for...

From the crazy folks at Cap'n Wacky: Users required to use AT&T for phone service, iTunes for music downloads, Fantastic Sam's for haircuts, and Jimmy Toledo's House of Hats for headwear. Advanced speech recognition software detects users talking about repulsive medical conditions on a crowded bus and delivers a powerful shock. Disobeys the first rule of robotics. Takes not only photographs, but also...

I'm on vacation visiting my in-laws in Texas, where it is a balmy 75 degrees (a nice change from Minneosta). So I can't blog any images from here. But I did find a neat link to share called Fifi's Mind-Reading Tricks. See if you can figure out how it is done....