29 Mar Sketchbook Month: Day 29
Today's Sketchbook Month entry is a totally random doodle. I just started drawing and this is what came out....
Today's Sketchbook Month entry is a totally random doodle. I just started drawing and this is what came out....
Today's Sketchbook Month entry: NORM!...
Not just one but three deadlines today (!) necessitating that I wake up at 3am to meet them all. To get the juices flowing I banged out this warm-up sketch of Jeff Bridges ala Rooster Cogburn in True Grit. Easily one of the best movies I've seen in recent memory. If you haven't seen it yet Google your local discount...
Today was a pretty stressful day. Fortunately I was able to unwind with a 90-minute sketch/painting based on a movie still from Ben Hur. I've submitted it as today's Sketchbook Month entry. Lately I've been challenged to think more about form in my drawings instead of just contour and shape. Attempting to sculpt with light and color definitely helps me with...
Today's Sketchbook Month submission is a warm-up sketch, loosely based on an old snapshot I took of myself a few years ago using one of the facial distortion modes in iChat. I also thought it would be fun to try do draw something on toned paper. The idea is to let the color of the paper represent the middle tones of...
Here's a rough b&w study done up on the Cintiq, based on a photo of a live model I took at last year's CTN Expo. ...