
The golden rule of drawing is "Carry a sketchbook with you wherever you go". Following that rule just got a little easier.Today I was at my local Barnes and Noble, and they had a neat little Moleskine display. For those who don't know, Moleskine (pronounced mo-lay-skee-nay) are luxurious high-quality journals and sketchbooks produced in Europe, and they are a big...

The upcoming assignment for DrawerGeeks is "Sandman" (as in the Marvel comics villain from the upcoming Spiderman 3 movie). I don't know much about the character, other than that he can turn himself into sand, so this silly doodle is what I came up with....

My wife and I just finished watching this movie. Truth be told I wasn't looking forward to it, but ten minutes into the movie I was hooked. If you have never seen it, go rent it now! This is one of the best films I have seen all year. I mean it--this movie will captivate you. Did you know that...

Here is an informative article that does a much more thorough and convincing job of refuting "The Lost Tomb of Jesus" than I did in my last post.And even more articles are listed here. Just scroll down to the "Christian Blog Responses" section and start clicking on links.Radio host Albert Mohler also discusses the "Lost Tomb" on his show which...

If you haven't heard already, on March 4th the Discovery Channel will air a documentary by Titanic director James Cameron called "The Lost Tomb of Jesus". The documentary claims that archeologists have discovered the actual grave of Jesus and his family, including his wife Mary Magdalene and their son Judah. If true, this find would shake the very foundations of...