MicroCon 2007

Last weekend Minnesota’s comic book fans once again descended upon the state fair grounds for MicroCon, the second-largest comic book convention in the state (FallCon being the largest). As usual I was there displaying my work and hobnobbing with some of the North Star state’s most talented artists.

Paul Fricke (left) is a local freelance illustrator and all around nice guy. Among his many current projects is a children’s book about bedbugs, which is a fun concept. Paul used to ink for DC Comics way back in the 20th century. On the right is Len Strazewski from Chicago, who used to write for DC. In one of the comic book bins Len found an old issue of “The Fly” that he had written and that Paul had inked. He was kind enough to give it to me as a gift, signed by him and Paul. Super cool. (Or should I say, “Super Fly!”)

I shared a table with the very talented Sherwin Schwartzrock. Sherwin is a great guy who has given me a lot of great advice throughout my freelance career. Give his website a looksee.

These are two of the guys from Big Time Attic, Kevin Cannon (left) and Zander Cannn (right). No, they aren’t related. But they are talented. Zander won an Eisner award for his graphic novel Bone Sharps, Cowboys, and Thunder Lizards. Their blog is also worth a read.

Terry Beatty is an inker on Batman. Brent Schoonover is a local freelance illustrator. Both a very nice guys.

I saw this and had to snap a photo. Some local reporter was interviewing Superman. Not something you see every day. (Isn’t that Lois Lane’s job?)

Finally, don’t forget that Saturday May 5 is Free Comic Book Day. And if you live in the Midwest, mark your calendars Oct. 6-7 for FallCon, Minnesota’s largest comic book convention.