
A couple of years ago author Mark Simon released a terrific reference book for artists, simply titled Facial Expressions. The 256-page book contains over 3,000 photos of 50 male and female "models" (mostly friends of the author, I suspect) making a variety of facial expressions from various angles. There's also a section of mouth phonemes and a few pages...

Sorry for the slowdown in blog posts this week. Things have been pretty crazy here. I'm putting in a lot of hours on an animation project, plus this week I also whipped together some storyboards for a major retailer, did some character design sketches for a major food company, and finished up designing a mascot character for a small business...

I just received a brochure in the mail about a new conference tailored for creative freelancers (i.e. illustrators, designers, photographers, copyrighters, etc.) The 2008 Creative Freelancer Conference will be held Augut 27-29 in Chicago. The conference is presented by HOW Magazine and Marketing Mentor. Topics to be discussed will include: How do I balance finding work with doing work? What niche should I...

Last week I mentioned that I was cleaning out my studio closets and selling a few misc. art and animation books on I received some requests to know what I'm selling, so here's the list. If anyone is interested, just click on the item to buy. There's some good deals if you don't mind books that are slightly used....

Since July of 2007 I've been committed to posting something new every weekday. It's a lot of fun and I'm glad that so many of you have found my humble ramblings helpful. However, there are only so many hours in the day and lately I've been feeling the squeeze. I'm blessed with a lot of wonderful people and projects to fill...

My wife and I are having a garage sale this weekend and I'm unloading a few art books. While thumbing through my collection I came across a terrific book for Superman fans: Superman: Cover to Cover Superman has always been my favorite Superhero. I fell in love with the Christopher Reeve movies as a young boy in the mid-80's and soon...