
I recently completed work designing a mascot for a new product, Leahy's Chocolate Covered Leprechaun Ears. It's a new confectionary product, fine cashews dipped in rich chocolate. They're shaped like, well, leprechaun or elf ears (hence the name). I've sampled them and they are delicious! Easily as good or better than the name brand chocolate covered nuts you'll find at...

It's been a while so I thought I'd take a minute to shamelessly plug my website store. I plug a lot of stuff so there should be something of interest to everyone. First, you can download The Best of Head Hunting, a PDF containing over 100 of the best portrait and cartoon sketches from my two previously published sketchbooks. Includes a...

(Artwork copyright © Joe Bluhm. All rights reserved.) Joe Bluhm is a terrific illustrator and caricaturist. I recently discovered his work and have been following him with interest. Joe is self-publishing a sketchbook called Sketch Infectus. It's jam-packed with great eye candy. Joe claims that "you probably won't find a sketchbook with more drawings packed per-page between the covers". The book will...

Sorry for the slowdown in posts. This has been a crazy month. Our second daughter was born (which means as parents of a newborn we snatch sleep whenever we can grab it), I packed up and moved my studio, and the other day my computer died and had to be replaced. In addition I'm currently loaded down with seven freelance...

Here's a doodle I recently worked up of a witch on a broom. I liked the sktech so I decided to ink and finish it....