20 Dec Cirtter sketches
Here's some animal sketches for a curriculum project I'm working on....
Here's some animal sketches for a curriculum project I'm working on....
My blog is usually about art-related topics, but please allow me this brief diversion. A federal judge has just ruled that the theory of intelligent design cannot be discussed in biology classes in a Pennsylvania public school district. Why? Not because of it's scientific merits (or lack thereof), but because it violates the so-called "separation of church...
Some heads I doodled over the weekend....
Boy do I wish I'd had some professional animation training. But I think I've finally figured it out. Here's a six-frame hop cycle with a German apple strudel (face to be added later). Comments/crits welcome!...
I think I'm getting better at this animation thing. This one is a bouncing english muffin (the face will be added later). It has one extra frame which helps slow it down some, plus I'm hoping the flopping hat will add a little to the effect. Comments and critiques would be greatly appreciated!...
Based on all the great feedback people posted, I gave it another go. I left off the face and hat because right now I'm just focusing on the timing. Hopefully he looks more like he is hopping along on his own strength rather than just bouncing effortlessly.Whaddya think?...