Author: Cedric

It's moving day. I'm in the process of transferring my blog from Blogger to Wordpress. Please update your bookmarks and RSS feeds. The link to my new feed is the blue button on the right. I'm quite fond of Blogger, but the more I've learned about Wordpress the more I've found its just a better site with more options and features....

iPhone mania is coming Friday. People are posting on Craig's List hoping to hire someone to stand in line for them (lines have already started at one New York store.) I smell a career opportunity here. Find a wealthy businessman and offer to stand in line for him at the post office, the grocery store, the DMV...

Unless you've been living in a cave you've heard about the upcoming release of Apple's new wonder-gadget, the iPhone. I'm a bit of a Machead, and I've been excited about the iPhone ever since Steve Jobs introduced the dazzling new product back in January. It's a truly amazing device...

Introducing a new art blog by the amazing and talented Sherwin Schwartzrock. He's not only a terrific artist, but he can play the Star Spangled Banner with his armpit. Okay, I made that part up. But he really is a stellar designer, illustrator, and comic book artist. Check it out....