Author: Cedric

As much as I enjoy making my living drawing pictures, it's important for me to remember that freelancing is still a business. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm a business person first and an artist second. If I don't, I know I'll be headed for a train wreck. Artists are creative and free-wheeling by nature. The discipline...

Images copyright © Bob Staake. All rights reserved. Freelancing can be a lonely existence, and listening to background music or DVDs in the studio all day can get tiresome. So I'm always looking for good documentaries, interviews, and instructional material that relate to being a commercial artists. When I can actually hear the voice of another artist "talking shop" in the...

"John K" (short for Kricfalusi) is the creator of Ren and Stimpy, and a prolific blogger. I'm not a big fan of Ren and Stimpy, and John's abstract drawing style (shown above) doesn't really appeal to me. But his blog is terrific! His posts about art, animation, and cartooning are very thoughtful and filled with great images and clips that...

Too busy with freelance work to post today. But check out the very talented artists and fun links listed over to the left. Back with more tomorrow....

The 19th Annual FallCon will be held at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds in St. Paul on October 6-7. FallCon is Minnesota's largest comic book convention. If you live near the Twin Cities, come check it out. It's no Comic-Con (what else is?), but it is a well-organized event with big attendance and a lot of fun. This year the 501st...

As my regular blog readers know, I'm taking a character design class online from Stephen Silver over at This week's assignment was to do rough turnarounds of our character. In animation, once a character design is approved the next step is to create "turnaround" drawings. The purpose is to make sure the storybaord artists, animators, and/or computer modellers can...