Author: Cedric

To warm up each morning I've been trying to fill a page a day in my sketchbook. However, I've been so swamped with freelance work that I've only been averaging about a page a week. Better than nothing, I guess. Here's a few heads I drew the other day from some old photos....

Looks like I've made my mistake for the month. Feels good to have that out of the way. A couple of weeks ago I started writing a blog post comparing the costs and benefits of various online advertising methods available to freelance artists. The article is still a rough draft, very much in progress. Unfortunately, due to my clumsy thumbs the...

As a beginning freelancer I really struggled with this question. When I bid out a project, how much is too much (or too little)? Do I bill per hour or take on the project for a flat rate? I don't want to under-sell myself, but I also don't want to lose the job because I'm too expensive. I also want...

Since I'm still swamped with freelance work and no time to write, here's another re-post from the early days of my blog, way back in 2005 when only three people were reading it. (Readership has since doubled): Chris Browne (pictured) of "Hagar the Horrible" fame has posted some advice on how to break into cartooning. Should make an interesting read...

Another busy week of freelancing. I've fallen a bit behind on my character design work for 3-2-1 Penguins, and since we are wrapping up pre-production it's crunch time, the worst time to fall behind. Besides Penguins I'm also working on an advertising mascot, an illustration for a software company, an illustration for a Spanish curriculum textbook, and a series of...