Author: Cedric

This looks interesting. Talks About Money is a new book designed to help freelancers figure out what to charge for their projects. While the book is primarily aimed at graphic designers, there is not all that much difference between how a freelance graphic designer decides what to charge and how a freelance illustrator/artist decides what to charge. The process...

Recently I was hired to write a feature article for Adbase Insight, the email newsletter of Each issue contains meaty content designed to help freelance illustrators and photographers market themselves better. I've found the articles to be extremely helpful and am proud to be a part of it. You can sign up for Adbase Insight for free here. In my...

Too many serious posts lately. Time for some fun time wasters: Pirates' Pet Peeves John Cleese's "Letter To America" And the always classic StrongBad Emails. For previous posts that don't necessarily have anything to do with anything, check out the "Just For Fun" category listed over to the left. Oh, and Doug TenNapel is back! If you miss his old blog, check out his...

While cleaning out my files I came across a good book on freelancing that I forgot I even owned (out of sight, out of mind). The Streetwise Guide to Freelancing by Theo Stephan Williams has a lot of good nuggets, much of it organized into nice little sidebars. Unfortunately the book is out of print, but you can get used...

I've been cleaning out my files and I came across a handout from a presentation I gave to some art students about seven years ago. It's pretty basic stuff aimed primarily at beginners, but I've got blog readers at all levels from students to seasoned professionals so I'm sure some of you will find this helpful. Here's what I wrote: 1....