Author: Cedric

For the last two years I've sent Christmas packages to many of the clients I've worked with during that year. Now I'm debating whether or not to send anything this year. Two years ago I sent out a fairly elaborate package (pictured). I bought giant-sized Hershey's Symphony chocolate bars, removed the labels and replaced them with labels illustrated by me. I...

A while back I posted several links to artist John K's observations on character design (here and here). Yesterday Mr. K posted even more thoughts on the topic, complete as always with many examples. This time he tries to analyze that elusive and magical quality called "appeal": Disney Principles and Appeal John gives a lot of thought to the topics he posts...

I never know when I might have a few spare moments and be inspired to sketch, so I carry a small hardcover sketchbook in the pocket of my winter coat. For the next few months wherever I go I'll be ready when the sketching bug bites. Here's a few of the newest faces from its pages: ...

If you missed the 2008 Creative Freelancer Conference in Chicago, you missed some terrific info about how to manage your freelance career and build your business. Have no fear. You can now purchase and download the audio and materials from all the presentations, whether you attended the conference or not. You'll get MP3 audio recordings, session handouts, and each speaker's PowerPoint...

Sad news. It appears that VeggieTales may soon be no more. Big Idea, the studio that fifteen years ago gave us Larry the Cucumber and Bob the Tomato, has recently laid off most of its staff and announced that the company's owners are facing bankruptcy. Details are posted at Phil Vischer's blog. This isn't the first time Bob and Larry have seen...

Here's a few YouTube videos I've stumbled upon recently from some artists whose work I admire: Dennis Jones is a phenominal illustrator. He draws very fun, entertaining cartoon characters and then paints them with a master's eye for color and shading. Here's a quick demo of him painting in Photoshop. View Dennis' YouTube channel for more videos: [youtube=] Here the very talented Denis...