Happy Thanksgiving!

(NOTE: There will be not blog post tomorrow. I’ll be spending the holiday with family and trying to catch up on some much needed sleep.)


This sketch was done a year or two ago when my friends at DrawerGeeks decided we should each do an emergency turkey drawing. Draw a turkey–fast! Quick sketches only, no more than a few minutes. No masterpieces allowed. This was my submission, conceived, sketched, colored and posted in less than ten minutes.

I’m not sure if it reads well. “Carl” is supposed to be doing that thing where you pull your shirt over your head and act like somebody chopped it off.

Kind of appropriate, since the holiday season means that, like many Americans, I’ll spend a lot of time these next few weeks running around like a chicken with my head cut off.

But not tomorrow. I’ll be sleeping, hanging with my relatives, and helping my Dad with a few relaxing projects. And of course, we’ll pause for a few moments and give thanks to God for all the blessings he’s given us. (That’s kinda what the holiday is supposed to be for, right?)

Actually, when I look back over my life and think about my sins…all the times I’ve ever lied, or stolen, or lusted, or hated someone, or used God’s name as a filth word—I’m amazed that God has given me so many blessings to be thankful for. I certainly don’t deserve it. Even more amazing is that God is willing to forgive me for it all, because his son Jesus took my punishment and paid my fine. “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8). No matter how much we’ve sinned, Jesus offers forgiveness and new life to anyone who will come to him in repentance and faith. Talk about something to be thankful for!

Sorry if that sounds “preachy”, but I think it’s an important message and Thanksgiving seems like an appropriate time to try and share it.

To all of my readers, have a *very* happy Thanksgiving.