Selling My Comic Books

Like many artists, I was an avid comic book reader growing up. I started reading Superman and Batman when I was about ten years old. I lived in a small town where comics were not readily available, so I couldn’t believe it when someone told me you could actually subscribe to a comic book! I […]

Surprises About the New iPhone

From the crazy folks at Cap’n Wacky: Users required to use AT&T for phone service, iTunes for music downloads, Fantastic Sam’s for haircuts, and Jimmy Toledo’s House of Hats for headwear. Advanced speech recognition software detects users talking about repulsive medical conditions on a crowded bus and delivers a powerful shock. Disobeys the first rule […]

Sketchbook Update

Here’s a few recent doodles from my pocket sketchbook. As I thumb through it’s pages, I realize that I’ve drawn a lot of faces lately but very few full-body poses. That’s not good. Faces are easier for me to draw than the rest of the body, so I hope I’m not getting lazy and only […]

The Thriving Artist

Last year storyboard artist Mark Simon published a 3-CD audio set containing his lecture “The Thriving Artist” given at the National Caricaturist Convention. Simon’s website describes the lecture as a “non-stop energy presentation packed with insider secrets and industry stories you won’t hear anywhere else.” The first two CD’s contain the lecture, and the third […]

Thoughts on self-Promotion (part 2)

As I mentioned in Part 1, when it comes to networking talent will only get you so far. Passion, confidence, and likability will take you a lot farther. There are some very talented artists whose careers are languishing because they lack these other qualities. Likewise, there are some very mediocre artists whose careers are thriving […]

Happy Independence Day!

In honor of our nation’s birthday, here’s a sketch of George Washington I did a year or so ago. Also, I googled some thoughtful quotes from our greatest President: “Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence.” “Few men have virtue to […]