“Hi, I’m a Marvel”…”I’m a DC”

I was playing around on my iPhone the other night and came across these YouTube videos. They gave me a good chuckle. The first one is a spoof of the “I’m a Mac”, “I’m a PC” commercials. From there they evolve into a series called “After Hours” where various heroes and villains hang out and […]

Schoolism.com: Silhouettes

As I mentioned last week, I’m taking a character design class online from Stephen Silver at Schoolism.com. Last week’s lesson was on silhouettes. A strong character design will have a clear silhouette that is visually interesting, making the character instantly recognizable. To illustrate, I’ve taken Jafar from Aladdin and shaded him in. Notice how clearly […]

Mike Weiringo R.I.P.

Sad, sad news. From newsarama.com: The comics industry lost a luminary this weekend – Mike Wieringo passed away Sunday of a sudden heart attack. Details are still sketchy as of this time, but according to close sources, the acclaimed artist had chest pains at some point during the day and called 911, but the responders […]

Inking Practice

Here’s a warm-up doodle I inked on the Cintiq. Still trying to figure out the fastest, most comfortable, and most effective way to ink digitally. And what’s with his nose anyway? No idea, it just came out of the pencil that way.

“Keep it Cool” Flash Game

A while back Snert Studios hired me to create some of the artwork for a website and Flash game. The end client was Reliant Energy, and the goal of the site/game was to help teach kids about conserving electricity. They gave me a list of elements they needed to animate in Flash (i.e. a spinning […]

Two Years Old!

I can’t believe it. Today my blog is two years old. Having a blog is great. Doing so much writing helps me sharpen my communication skills. Posting my artwork out there for the world to see pushes me to work harder and draw better. My blog has also turned into a wonderful networking tool. I […]