27 Jul Evolution: The Case of the Exploding Bugs!
Call me crazy, but I believe evolution is a poor explanation for the origin of life. Evolution says nothing became something which exploded and became everything...
Call me crazy, but I believe evolution is a poor explanation for the origin of life. Evolution says nothing became something which exploded and became everything...
Jennie (my fiance) has been helping me remodel the bathroom. We're ripping out cheap tile from the 70's and replacing it with white panelling. Today I walked in to find this poem written by Jennie on the wall. When the bathroom is remodelled again some day in the future, someone will read this and know we were there....
I am so excited! There's now a podcast devoted solely to animation. So far there are four interviews with animators Andreas Deja and Nick Ranieri, with more to come. This is a professional sounding podcast with meaty content, unlike most of the amateur-sounding podcasts flooding the internet. Very inspiring stuff! http://www.animationpodcast.com/...
On May 14, 2005 I asked Jennie Little to marry me. And she said yes! Here's a photo of me and my Sweetie to kick off my blog....