
Recently I illustrated a comic-strip gospel tract for Living Waters Publications. The tract is hot off the presses and now available for purchase. To read the entire tract, click on the image below. (No, I don't get any comission or royalties)....

Wow! My blog has only been up for 6 months, and so far I've had 12,000 visits. That's unbelieveable to me. Since my fan club is only about three people, you guys have been awfully busy. Seriously, thank you all so much for checking back and leaving the occassional kind word. Since I work at home...

I just discovered a great new art blog, Story Boredom. Most of the contributors are anonymous, but the rumor is they are all storyboard artists who work in feature animation. It is known that one of the members is John Sanford (co-director of Disney's Home on the Range). Whoever they are, they are incredibly talented. Check...

Thanks everyone for the great feedback on my self-promotion postcard (two entries ago). Based on that feedback, here is a new version. Not sure yet if I like the background colors. I think keeping only two background colors helps unify it more, but it's hard to find two colors that will compliment each of the varied faces (which...