
(NOTE: There will be not blog post tomorrow. I'll be spending the holiday with family and trying to catch up on some much needed sleep.) This sketch was done a year or two ago when my friends at DrawerGeeks decided we should each do an emergency turkey drawing. Draw a turkey–fast! Quick sketches only, no more than a few minutes. No...

appleworm.jpg I'm a huge Apple fan. I love their products. I drink the Kool-Aid. I sometimes wander in to the Apple store just so I can drool. But lately the effects of the Kool-Aid are starting to wear off. My biggest beef is with Leopard, Apple's new operating system. Leopard's new features promised to bring a new level of productivity and flexibility to my computer experience. I'm a sucker for anything that saves time or makes me more productive, so I upgraded to Leopard almost immediately. I should have known better. Apple has a nasty habit of releasing operating systems before they are truly ready. I knew the upgrade would be klunky at first and I was prepared to encounter a few annoying bugs. I never expected this much disappointment.

To warm up each morning I've been trying to fill a page a day in my sketchbook. However, I've been so swamped with freelance work that I've only been averaging about a page a week. Better than nothing, I guess. Here's a few heads I drew the other day from some old photos....

Looks like I've made my mistake for the month. Feels good to have that out of the way. A couple of weeks ago I started writing a blog post comparing the costs and benefits of various online advertising methods available to freelance artists. The article is still a rough draft, very much in progress. Unfortunately, due to my clumsy thumbs the...

Another busy week of freelancing. I've fallen a bit behind on my character design work for 3-2-1 Penguins, and since we are wrapping up pre-production it's crunch time, the worst time to fall behind. Besides Penguins I'm also working on an advertising mascot, an illustration for a software company, an illustration for a Spanish curriculum textbook, and a series of...

Today several new animated DVDs are hitting the store shelves. Time to add to your collections: Pixar Short Films Collection - Volume 1. This looks super cool! 13 short films with audio commentary plus at least one behind-the-scenes featurette. Ratatouille. Not nearly a good as The Incedibles, but a reasonably entertaining movie with stunning visuals. Unfortunately the DVD is light on special...