Presentation Tonight

I almost forgot to post this….I’ll be giving an informal Cintiq presentation tonight (Wednesday) at the Twin Cities Photoshop User’s Group meeting. I’ll be discussing my portfolio and my character design work, and then I’ll be doing some live artwork on the Cintiq using Photoshop and talking through the process. There will also be a Cintiq rep on hand giving a presentation and showing off the new portable Cintiq 12wx. If you live in the Minneapolis area and are interested in learning more about the Cintiq, or just want to heckle me, come check it out. The meeting is at 7pm in Auditorium 150 at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design.

Deadline Crunch

It’s crunch time on 3-2-1 Penguins!, and after several months of work it looks like this week I will finally wrap up my character designs for the last episode of the season. It’s been an absolute blast, and one of the most enjoyable projects I’ve worked on in a long time. But also one of the most time-consuming. I didn’t want to turn away all my other regular clients while working on the show, so for six months I’ve basically been working two full-time jobs. I’ll miss the fun assignments, the great people, and the steady work, but I’m also looking forward to having a personal life again.

This week I’m also playing catch-up on a series of 36 illustrations for another client that are due in January. The client has been very patient with my crazy schedule, now its time to kick that one into high gear.

All that to say, I’ve got no time to post today (I’ve barely got time to sleep, much less write). Might not have time tomorrow either. But I’ll post as soon as I can. In the mean time, check out all the great art blogs listed off to the left.

Finally, my portable “sketchbook” Cintiq arrived yesterday. I’ll be posting a review of it soon, so keep an eye out.

Keeping Your Software Up To Date


If you do a lot of graphic’s work with your computer, like me you can easilly sprinkle your hard drive with dozens of applications and drivers. The recent release of Leopard (Apple’s new opearting system) got me wondering about all the junk on my computer and how much of it is really up to date.

Obviously you want your computer to run as smoothly as possible. Updating your applications and drivers is sort of like changing the oil on your car. It’s a little inconvenient but it will go a long way towards keeping your computer running smoothly.

Many programs now automatically check for new releases and updates , and to save you hassle a few will even download and install the latest updates in the background without you even knowing it. Firefox is excellent at this. But not every application makes it so easy. Some software manufacturers will notify you by email when a new version becomes available, but who wants more email? Some smaller, third-party applications don’t have any way of letting you know if a new version is available. And what about drivers? If you use a wacom tablet, scanner, or other hardware, do you know if new drivers have been released since you purchased it?

Enter VersionTracker.

VersionTracker is a free website that keeps track of new updates and versions of almost any piece of software available. Type in the name and instantly get the scoop on the latest version, and then click on a link to download and install it.

The website is very nice, but it can be tedious to manually check the status on ever piece of software on your computer (the Applications folder on my Mac currently has 125 items!) Managing it all can be overwhelming. So I’ve recently purchased VersionTracker Pro , a subscription service that automatically scans every application and driver on your computer and lets you know if a newer version is available. The first time I ran it, it found over 30 pieces of software on my computer that were out of date. Most I’ve updated. Some require me to purchase full versions, which I may or may not do. And still others I just don’t use anymore, so I’ve dumped them.

One word of caution: New usually means better, but not always. Despite their best efforts, software manufacturers cannot always find and squash every possible bug. Every computer is different, and there are rare occassions when one piece of software is incompatible with something else you may have downloaded and installed onto your computer. There are also times when, due to poor planning on the part of a manufacturer, a new update or version may change a key feature and actually make it worse than its predecessor. As one small example, Apple’s latest version of iCal makes the process of adding a new event into the calendar more cumbersome. Fortunately, VerionTracker lets users rate the quality of new updates (1-5 stars) and add comments so that other users can decide whether or not the update will be worthwhile.

Overall I’ve been happy with VersionTracker Pro, but it is not as smooth as it could be. For a small handful of my applications, the updates won’t install. I’ll probably have to download and install them myself one-by-one. But overall I’m very happy with it.

The free VersionTracker website is here. You can purchase VersionTracker Pro here.

Christmas Giving

The Christmas season is upon us. In America, as the saying goes, there’s pressure to buy stuff we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t even like. But Christmas can also be a time of genuine, heartfelt giving to those truly in need.

After all, Christmas is a day to commemorate the generous gift God gave us by sending His Son to save us from our sins. In that spirit I’d like to recommend a few places where spending just a little extra cash can go a long way towards helping others who are less fortunate.

WorldVision and Compassion International are Christian nonprofit organizations that provide food, clothing, medical care, education, and other necessities to children in impoverished nations. You may have seen their commercials on TV asking you to sponsor a child. Sponsoring a child is easy and cheap, but if you’d rather not make that commitment you can always give a one-time donation. WorldVision has a special Christmas catalog that lets you purchase gifts for the needy overseas. For example, for $28 you can provide medical care to someone with AIDS; $17 will buy seeds so that a poor family can plant vegetables; for $35 you can provide counseling and education to a young girl who has been forced into prostitution.

Another worthwhile organization is the Salvation Army. A small donation can provide a Christmas dinner, clothing, and toys for a family in need. You can donate online or drop some cash into one of their kettles at the mall.

Yet another worthy cause is Prison Fellowship. It’s founder, Chuck Colson, was the Chief Counsel of President Richard Nixon and served time in prison for his role in Watergate. Shortly before serving his sentence he became a Christian. After his release he started Prison Fellowship, one of the world’s largest ministries to prison inmates. Many prisoners have small children at home who will be celebrating Christmas this year without their mommy or daddy. Prison Fellowship’s Operation Angel Tree provides toys to those children in the name of their incarcerated parent.

I’m not trying to twist anyone’s arm or lay on a guilt trip. Well, maybe I am just a little. Compared to some parts of the world, we middle-class Americans live like kings. Please give some thought to sharing a little bit of your blessings this Christmas. Even the smallest gift can make a difference. You’ll have a warm feeling inside that Santa’s elves won’t be able to match.

Thanks for indulging me in this off-topic post. Tomorrow I’ll resume writing about art-related topics.

UPDATE: Portable “sketchbook” Cintiq now available in U.S.


As of yesterday, the new portable “sketchbook” Cintiq 12WX (which I blogged about last week) is now available for purchase in the U.S. And if that wasn’t good enough, the price is significantly lower than first expected: Only $999.00 plus shipping. You can find out more and place an order here.