
Some days it seems like everything goes wrong at once. A couple of weeks ago my computer started acting funny, and after several hours on the phone with five different tech support people, I was told I have to completely wipe my hard drive and reinstall everything from scratch. While I wasn't thrilled, my Mac is getting old (going on...

Cedric's Blog-O-Rama officially began three years ago today. I've sinced switched from Blogger to WordPress, and moved from a semi-daily to daily format and then back again. Readership has more than tripled. Besides just my Mom, I know of at least two other people who read my humble ramblings. A hearty thank-you to all of you!...

One week ago today Apple opened the iTunes App Store, officially allowing third-party developers to write software for the iPhone. So far over 500 apps and games have been posted for download. Most are inexpensively priced (around $5-$10 each), and a large number of them are free. During the first weekend over ten million apps were downloaded by iPhone users. The...

Following up on my last post, here's two more inspiring links related to Pixar: The first is a Presto, the new animated short that is shown before Wall•E in the theaters and will no doubt be included on the DVD. It's a zany little film animated in a style inspired by the classic Warner Brothers shorts. It's much broader and zippier...

Pixar's new movie Wall•E opened this past weekend to big box office and rave reviews. I am really looking forward to seeing it. I had hoped to catch it on opening weekend but plans fell through. We had relatives come to visit and then my daughter broke her ankle (she's doing fine, thanks). However, I did download some little animated vignettes...

Yikes! It's been almost a week since my last post. My apologies. Things have been pretty crazy here. Earlier this week I even had to pull an all-nighter to meet a big deadline. (I must be getting older. Those all-nighters are getting a lot more grueling than they used to be.) Fans of VeggieTales might appreciate this: Phil Vischer, the creator...