Hey kids! Today's phrase is "Spec work". In the creative industries (advertising, publishing, film making, etc.) doing a project "on spec" means "work done on speculation", in other words doing work for free in the hopes that you'll get paid later once the project "takes off". Young artists just starting out are especially vulnerable to such projects, but even after ten...
I'm under the gun with some projects, so no time to write a blog post. But don't go away empty handed! Here's three blogs loaded with great info on freelancing: Freelance Switch Freelance Folder Wake Up Later In some cases their content is geared towards other types of freelancing besides illustration (i.e. freelance writing, freelance web design, etc.) but much if it can still...
After reading my recent two-part post entitled "How To Bid Out A Project" (Part 1 and Part 2), artist Mike Dashow emailed me with a question. He writes: I really enjoyed your blog post on bidding out a project...