
One of my mom's favorite hobbies is singing "barbershop" music. This evening my Dad and I watched her perform in a concert with her friends. I couldn't resist doinig a few sketches of some of the men when it was their turn to sing. I often sketch with a pen because I can't erase. The plus...

Cover art by Randy Green, colors by Rob SchwagerIf you haven't been able to donate yet to the hurricane relief effort (or even if you have), maybe this will spark your interest. Community Comics has created TEMPEST, a comic book about the recent hurricane tragedies. All proceeds will go to the Salvation Army for victims of Hurricane's...

Every two weeks some artist friends and I pick a topic to sketch in our free time. This time it was "King Kong". Here's my sketch, inspired by an old Bob Newhart comedy routine about the night janitor at the Empire State Building....

There's some new Christian comic books hitting the shelves. Must be cheezy stuff, right? Nope. Not if you're talking about Community Comics. Together with VDA Entertainment, Community Comics has released three graphic novels available for purchase online or in Christian bookstores. Far from being cheezy, these comics have captured the attention of CBS News...

For almost a year I've been slowly working on a personal project, sort of a mini-comic book. I've got the story written and the layouts thumbnailed, but I've been wrestling for a long time trying to find the right look for the main character. I spent a good part of yesterday playing around some more with the "retro"...

I've always been impressed with artists who can draw in the "retro" style, which emphasizes bold designs and flat, graphic shapes as opposed to a sculpted, three-dimensional, "realistic" cartoon rendering. Think Powerpuff Girls or Dexter's Labratory rather than The Lion King. It's a "less is more" way of thinking, bold and deceptively simple. It's a hard style...