
As a freelancer I'm always looking for my next paying gig. Unlike most people, I don't have a steady paycheck to rely on (although the bills keep parading through my mailbox with military efficiency). To get new work I advertise on several illustration websites, I send out a quarterly e-mail to potential clients, and I occassionally do promotions through the...

I first discovered Heinrich Kley in college when my life drawing professor showed me a book of his amazing work. Kley was an Austrian artist/illustrator during the late 19th and early 20th centuries (he died around 1945). Though not well-known today, he achieved a certain level of fame during his lifetime. Among his many admirers was none other than Walt...

(EDIT: If the images below aren't visible, just click the "Refresh" button and they should appear. If that still doens't work, please leave a comment and let me know.) Today is the big day. At precisely 6pm gadget-loving hordes will descend upon Apple stores all over the country and begin snatching up iPhones. I won't be among them, but there's a...

From the archives of the Drawn! blog: "Megan Jeffery is celebrating 17 years of freelance illustration by sharing 17 of the most valuable lessons she’s learned." Excellent advice for anyone who freelances or is considering a freelance career. I've been doing it myself for over ten years now, and I've made a few mistakes along the way. I wish I had read...

I'm currently busy with several projects which I can't really talk about (yet). Since I can't post any new art, here's some studies I did a while back from the book In Character: Actors Acting: The book is an excellent resource for studying facial expressions. Most photo reference books have amateur models giving stock expressions (sad, happy, scared, etc.). In this...