
Sorry folks, but I've been flattened by a bad cold and fever. So no post today. But before you leave check some of the great art blogs listed over in the left-hand column. Inspiring stuff!...

I've been freelancing for eleven years and I love it! Despite the high highs and low lows, overall its been a great career choice for me. But freelancing is not for everyone. I've written about the drawbacks and benefits before. Recently I came across a great post written by Chad at that looks at it from another angle: 13 Reasons...

Today is Good Friday, the day when Christians commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. "Good Friday" seems like an odd name one of the most bloody and tortuous executions in human history. How could such a horrific event be "good"? Because Jesus suffered and died for your sins. He paid for your crimes, then rose from the dead. He can forgive...

Did you know there are Easter eggs in your DVD collection that you may not even be aware of? "Easter eggs" are hidden special features that filmmakers intentionally hide on a DVD for you to try and find. Not every DVD has them, but many do. Here's a rather extensive collection of DVD Easter Eggs for you to try and...

HOW Magazine is sponsoring their annual design conference in Boston May 18-21. The conference offers dozens of workshops and presentations. They are primarily aimed at graphic designers, but there appear to be a lot of topics that could easily apply to illustrators, web designers, and others in the various fields of commercial art. I've never attended a HOW design conference but...

Recently I was hired by a publisher of Christian music curriuclum (Praise Hmyn Inc.) to do a spot illustration for a children's song, "The Tick and the Flea". My instructions were to depict a tick and a flea having a picnic on top of a Shitzu's head. Here's the final illustration, sketched, inked, and colored in Photoshop. The client asked...