
Freelance work has slowed down this week due to the upcoming Thanksgiving weekend. With Wednesday and Friday being travel days it becomes essentially a five-day weekend for a lot of my clients. Deadlines get pushed back accordingly. I've been using the lull in my schedule to tackle a mountain of paperwork and emails that have piled up while I was...

Recently I was hired by Snert Studios to design a wacky rooster character for a Flash-based children's website they are developing. The site is still under construction but the client has given me permission to post my work on the project. I wanted to push the designs in a more stylized direction than normal so I started playing around with various...

I recently ordered a copy of Kyle Baker's new book How To Draw Stupid and Other Essentials of Cartooning ( link). For those of you who aren't familiar with Baker's work, he's a prolific cartoonist with a background in comic books and animation. His work has appeared in numerous publications including BusinessWeek, Entertainment Weekly, The New York Times, MAD Magazine,...

Deadlines met, I can now resume blogging. This past weekend NBC aired the final episode of 3-2-1 Penguins! for this season. Incidentally, it was also the last episode I had the privilege of working on. We originally did two seasons back-to-back and my role in the project was completed almost a year ago. I haven't heard anything since about creating new...

Still crunching on deadlines. However, here's a blog I recently stumbled on by a very talented artist. I don't know his name but I like his work: Gorilla88 Check it out!...

Things are about to get pretty busy here deadline-wise over the next few days. I'm probably going to be working through the weekend. Bummer. In lieu of a regular blog post, here's a few quick links that I thought were fun: Non-Digital Photoshop - Something for all you Photoshop users who prefer to do things old-school. Tons of free cartoons - According...