Author: Cedric

The last few weeks have been so crazy with Chirstmas stuff and freelance work that my sketchbook has been gathering dust. Tonight I was reading some excellent material by master artist Glen Vilppu and I was reminded again how important it is--crucial even--that I keep sketching, learning, and growing as an artist. The more I learn about drawing, the...

The final issue of the Opposite Forces mini-series (created by Tom Bancroft) is now in stores. I had the privilege of inking issues #3 and #4, coloring was done by Josh Ray. It's a great series, fun for kids and adults. If you comic book store doesn't carry it, ask them to order one for you from...

This is my first attempt at illustrating my own sequentiual art project (that's fancy artist talk for a comic book). It's an 8-page gospel tract created for Living Waters, a publisher in California. You can read the whole thing by clicking here or on the image above.The concept of tracts has always fascinated me. A good tract...

My wife and I had a great Christmas vacation. We took a road-trip from Minnesota to Texas (our first big trip together), and came back just in time for a New Year's Eve party.Last night my wife and I were watching a show called "Dog: The Bounty Hunter" on A&E. Dog has a very unique face. This...

I'm on vacation visiting my in-laws in Texas, where it is a balmy 75 degrees (a nice change from Minneosta). So I can't blog any images from here. But I did find a neat link to share called Fifi's Mind-Reading Tricks. See if you can figure out how it is done....

This illustration dates back to my early days as a freelancer (1998?), before I even owned a computer. A publisher had hired me to illustrate the Christmas story from Luke 2:11, "A Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord".Also, here's a fun Christmas Quiz that includes an important Christmas message. I got 6 of...