Author: Cedric

It's been five years since the terrorists have had a successful attack on America. As a result, it's tempting to think that the war on terror has pretty much been won. Can't it all just be over already?No, it can't. And now I understand why.Over the last two nights my wife and I watched "The Path to 9/11",...

I'm currently working on some illustrations for a Sunday School publisher. One of the illustrations was supposed to be a waist-up shot of Noah, but after I did the sketch they changed their mind and wanted Moses instead. So I thought I'd post the sketch just for fun.I was gonna make him all smiling and cuteness, but I started...

I recently stumbled upon a very thought-provoking Flash presentation. If the world's population were simplified to only 100 people, this is about how it would look. Powerful stuff, really makes you think. We Americans are probably a lot more spoiled than we would like to admit.So appreciate what you have. And maybe do something to share your blessings....

This week's topic at DrawerGeeks is "Sgt. Rock". Tonight I was up late working on a deadline, and I got over-tired. I couldn't sleep, so I decided to sketch Sgt. Rock. I liked it enough to ink it. Then of course I had to color it. It's now 4:18am, the art is finished, and I'm...

The north central chapter of the National Cartoonists Society (of which I am a member) is having their yearly get-together in Minneapolis Oct. 6-8. The event is set to coincide with FallCon, Minnesota's largest comic book convention, so it will be a fun, full weekend.As part of the event, the Minneapolis College of Art and Design will be hosting an...