I'm tinkering around with a new look for my blog. I liked the old look but the template was missing an important feature or two. You may see the look of the blog change from time to time over the next few days. Please bear with me. New content will still be posted every weekday, and you can still leave comments....
It's always fascinating for me to see the studios of other artists. It can give a lot of insight into how they work. Recently I found online studio "tours" (with photos) of some artists whose work I admire. Fun reading. So grab your ticket stubs, buckle yourself in, and no flash photography please: Scott Kurtz Creator of the online comic strip PVP. Funnypages...
I'm a huge collector of reference books. Among the dozens and dozens of books in my studio, there are a select few that I would highly recommend for any professional illustrator/character designer/animator to own. If you make your living drawing, this stuff can inspire you, boost your skills, maybe help advance your career or even increase your income. As part...