13 Dec My Review Of The New Portable “Sketchbook” Cintiq 12wx

I almost forgot to post this...
It's crunch time on 3-2-1 Penguins!, and after several months of work it looks like this week I will finally wrap up my character designs for the last episode of the season. It's been an absolute blast, and one of the most enjoyable projects I've worked on in a long time. But also one of the most time-consuming. I didn't...
If you do a lot of graphic's work with your computer, like me you can easilly sprinkle your hard drive with dozens of applications and drivers. The recent release of Leopard (Apple's new opearting system) got me wondering about all the junk on my computer and how much of it is really up to date. Obviously you want your computer to...
The Christmas season is upon us. In America, as the saying goes, there's pressure to buy stuff we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't even like. But Christmas can also be a time of genuine, heartfelt giving to those truly in need. After all, Christmas is a day to commemorate the generous gift God gave...