Author: Cedric

My head is still swimming with all the information I tried to soak in last week at the 2008 Creative Freelancer Conference in Chicago. Fortunately it has been officially announced that MP3 audio recordings of all of the seminars will be available for purchase soon, likely sometime in the next few weeks. I'll post a link as soon as they...

The first annual Creative Freelancer Conference is now history. The speakers were terrific, the seminars were loaded with great info, and it was refreshing to spend three days surrounded by other people who understand the excitement and struggles of freelancing. I came home with my head swimming with ideas on how to take my freelance career to the next level. I've...

Sorry for the lag in posts lately. Last week I was on vacation with my family, and this week I'm in Chicago for a client meeting followed by the first annual Creative Freelancer Conference. The conference starts this afternoon, and I'm very excited about it. I'm looking forward to meeting lots of other creatives, doing a little networking, and soaking...

Yet another project I can finally go public with. Earlier this summer I was hired by BI: The Business Improvement Company to help develop an online racing game with an Olympics theme. The concept went through several stages. Here's a brief rundown of how we developed the look of the game: First I wanted to nail down the "look" of the...

As I mentioned a couple of posts back, one of my clients specializes in themed birthday cakes. They decided they'd like to manufacture little plastic trees to use on some of the cakes, and asked me to draw one up. Here's the concept sketches and final turnarounds I submitted. The tree could only be so tall and so wide. The grey...

Here's another project I can finally let out of the bag. A large regional company is in the process of rebranding itself and expanding its market base. I was hired by an ad agency to help develop an updated version of this company's current mascot. After a couple of rounds of sketches the company decided to go in another direction...