Author: Cedric

Earlier this week my wife and I hosted a couple for dinner, illustrator Toby Dugan and his wife Vonnie. Toby is a retired artist, evangelist, and magician and one of my wife's long-time family friends. He was kind enough to bring his portfolio to my studio which was a real treat! For much of his career Toby was a commercial artist...

For twenty years Walt Stanchfield was a drawing instructor at Disney, teaching and inspiring some of the worlds' best artists and animators to help them hone their craft. He often gave his students handouts filled with inspiring sketches and valuable insights into the process of gesture drawing. The handouts were so popular that they were photocopied and traded like baseball...

It's been a while since I took the time to answer reader questions. These posts take longer to write, and with life getting crazy and my blog moving from a daily to semi-daily format, they fell by the wayside. I decided it's time to try to weave this feature back into the mix. To make up for lost time I'll answer...

Took a break during an all-nighter to do this doodle. I liked how it turned out so I colored it. I may look at it in the sober light of day and decide it's not that great, but at the moment I like it. Don't ask me what that sheet of paper is he's holding, it just came out of...

Issue #3 of cartooning magazine Stay Tooned! has just been published. I received my copy over the weekend and it's full of great stuff, including a 7-page interview with Yours Truly. Here's a full list of the artists and contributors from the mag's website: "[Stay Tooned! issue #3] features profiles of Chad "Tundra" Carpenter, magazine gag cartoonist Benita Epstein, freelance Nebraska...

Last year I was hired by a local agency to develop a packaging icon for a new snack food with a buffalo wings flavor. The project ultimately went in another direction so this is as far as my involvement went. I don't know if I have permission to mention the product name so I won't, but the agency has finally...