Off To Hollywood

Tomorrow morning my wife and I are flying west to spend a few days in the Los Angeles area.

Thursday I’ll be meeting with clients throughout the day, then capping off the evening by dropping in at Priscilla’s Coffee in Burbank for the weekly Sketch Night. I’m really looking forward to that!

Friday through Sunday I’ll be among the hordes of cartoonists descending upon the Renaissaince Hollywood Hotel for the National Cartoonists Society’s 63rd Annual Reuben Awards Weekend. Guest Speakers include cartoonist Steve Moore, Disney animator/director Eric Goldberg, movie poster artist Drew Struzan, Pulitzer-Prize winning editorial cartoonist Michael Ramirez, and a panel discussion on the future of newspapers and comics. The highlight event is of course the Reuben Awards (black tie only) on Saturday night. It’s going to be a lot of fun hanging around with so many talented cartoonists and animators. It’s also going to be very humbling to spend a weekend surrounded by so much incredible talent.


(Art by Tom Richmond)

My friend and fellow Minneapolis illustrator Tom Richmond once again illustrated caricatures of several of the speakers and nominees (pictured) for the official Reuben’s Weekend t-shirt. Check out his terrific blog here.

On Sunday my wife and I are also planning to spend some time strolling down Hollywood Blvd. and enjoying some much needed time to ourselves. Then on Monday (Memorial Day) we’ll be flying back and spending the rest of the day catching up on time with our kids. It looks like I may have a big pile of work waiting for me when I get back on Tuesday so I’d better enjoy the time off while I can.