Warm Christmas Wishes!

In between client projects I draw silly cartoons. I post them as a webcomic called Sketchbook Silliness. Click on over and browse the archive.

If you support my cartoons on Patreon you can see an earlier version of this illustration with a different twist on this gag. You’ll also get lots of other goodies like early access, rough sketches, links, downloads, drawing tips, writing tips, recommended resources, AMA’s, and more!

Either way, I want to thank you for your interest in my work. May your Christmas season be filled with friendship, laughter, and peace.

Christmas Animation for Living Waters

[youtube_sc url=a3sNyZ1RSEk width=430]

One of my favorite clients is Living Waters, a Christian ministry run by speaker and author Ray Comfort. Recently they hired me to create a fun ecard explaining the religious meanings behind Christmas. The script and voiceover were provided by them, then I did the animation and editing. It’s a combination of some new animation combined with clips from an earlier short I did for Living Waters back in 2010 (which now has over a half a million views on YouTube!) Living Waters would love this ecard to go viral so feel free to share it with others if you are so inclined. And of course, merry Christmas!

VeggieTales Concepts for “Merry Larry”

I was hired by Big Idea to do some character concept art for their latest VeggieTales DVD, Merry Larry and the True Light of Christmas (Amazon link). This episode features a guest narrator, Uncle Si from the runaway hit cable series Duck Dynasty.

Here’s a few rough concepts and final turnarounds, followed by some screen captures from the episode. Bob’s glasses were removed for the final show (I suspect because having unobstructed eyes makes the acting a bit clearer), but overall the end result stayed pretty close to what I submitted.

(Click to enlarge)

Bob Turnarounds for "Merry Larry" Christina Turnarounds for "Merry Larry" Larry Turnarounds for "Merry Larry" Mr Lunt Turnarounds for "Merry Larry" Miss Lewis Turnarounds for "Merry Larry"

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Merry Christmas – Cartoon Edition


Merry Christmas everyone! I’d like to use the occasion of Christmas to post a link to an animation project I developed in 2010 for the ministry of Living Waters. They hired me to produce a short cartoon that explains the basic Christian message, and in a round-about way I hope it helps explain why the birth of Jesus Christ was such a big deal. To date it has received over 430,000 views on YouTube and has been subtitled into nineteen other languages. I only did some of the animation but I designed all of the characters, props, and backgrounds (the above image is based on a still from the cartoon). If you like the video you can download an HD version for free to use however you’d like.

If you haven’t already I’d be honored if you’d take five minutes out of your busy holiday to watch it. If not, thanks for indulging me. Either way, here’s wishing you a very merry Christmas and happy new year!

[youtube_sc url=TCSUKIhjevo width=450]


Merry Christmas!

Christmas illustration

I’ve been too busy to design, print, and mail an actual Christmas card this year. So once again I went the digital route and sent a Christmas email with the above image to everyone on my mailing list. (Click the image to enlarge).

If you didn’t get one, you are welcome to sign up over to the right of this blog post, or on the Contact page of my website. About every 6-8 weeks I send out a brief email update on my latest project(s), and sometimes include links to interesting blog posts.

Either way, I appreciate your taking time to swing by and I’m deeply grateful for your interest in my work. So to all of you, have a very merry Christmas! I hope your year ahead is a very pleasant and prosperous one.